Root Canal Therapy
Endodontics, or root canal therapy, aims to save a natural tooth from a deep infection. An infection at the root can happen when a tooth has a cavity or is cracked, chipped or decaying. Plaque and food particles can get inside the tooth and infection can spread to the root.
Treatment For Root Infection
A specialized tool is used to extract the infection from the root. The tooth is filled with a bonded resin and, typically, will need to receive a crown at a future appointment. A root canal can last a lifetime, but in the occasional situation the tooth doesn’t heal properly or becomes infected later down the line, we offer re-treatment of the tooth.
Endodontics Made Easy
With advanced dentistry, a tooth canal is quick and easy to perform, as well as painless. If you are nervous about anesthetic being administered, we are pleased to offer our “Quick Sleeper” method which makes receiving anesthetic virtually painless.